Harekrishna Panigrahi, PhD
Assistant Professor
School of Chemical Engineering (Campus 11)
Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (KIIT) Deemed to be University
Bhubaneswar-751024, Khurda, Odisha, India
Google Scholar ID: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=wDDMhiAAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao
Scopus ID: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57211203627
Email ID: harekrishna.panigrahi@kiitbiotech.ac.in, harekrishnapanigrahi91@gmail.com
Research Interest
Polymer blends and nanocomposites, Polymeric based anti-corrosion coatings, Waste recycling/utilization (Metals and Polymers), Hydrogen generation and storage, Synthesis of carbonaceous nanofillers such as functionalized carbon dots and graphene
Course Taught
Materials Science and Engineering, Process Heat Transfer, Process Equipment Design-I, Process Equipment Design-II, Bio-reaction Engineering, Basic of Polymer Science, Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, Paint and Surface Coating Technology
1. Harekrishna Panigrahi, P.R. Sreenath, Anil K. Bhowmick, K. Dinesh Kumar, “Unique compatibilized thermoplastic elastomer from polypropylene and epichlorohydrin rubber”: Polymer 183 (2019) 121866.
2. Harekrishna Panigrahi, P.R. Sreenath, K. Dinesh Kumar, “Unique compatibilized thermoplastic elastomer with high strength and remarkable ductility: Effect of multiple point interactions within rubber-plastic blend”: ACS Omega, 5 (2020) 12789−12808.
3. P.R. Sreenath, Saptarshi Mandal, Seema Singh, Harekrishna Panigrahi, Prolay Das, Anil K. Bhowmick, K. Dinesh Kumar, “Unique approach to debundle carbon nanotubes in polymer matrix using carbon dots for enhanced properties”: European Polymer Journal, 123 (2020) 109454.
4. P.R. Sreenath, Saptarshi Mandal, Harekrishna Panigrahi, Prolay Das, K. Dinesh Kumar, “Carbon dots: Fluorescence active, covalently conjugated and strong reinforcing nanofiller for polymer latex”: Nano-Structures & Nano-Objects, 23 (2020) 100477.
5. Saptarshi Mandal, Harekrishna Panigrahi, K. Dinesh Kumar, Prolay Das, “Unveiling pressure-sensitive adhesiveness of a carbonized polymer dot”: Polymer 254 (2022) 125102.
6. Harekrishna Panigrahi, K. Dinesh Kumar, “Jamming carbonaceous nanofiller at the continuous phase and at the interface of compatibilized thermoplastic elastomer blend for phenomenal improvement of the properties”: Polymer 257 (2022) 125261.
7. Dilip Kumar Kar, Upala Dutta, Suyash Kumar, Smrutirekha Mishra, Harekrishna Panigrahi, The overall performance of graphene oxide reinforced epichlorohydrin rubber nanocomposites, Journal of Rubber Research (2024).https://doi.org/10.1007/s42464-023-00234-2.
8. Dilip Kumar Kar, Praveen kumar V, Satyabrata Si, Harekrishna Panigrahi, Smrutirekha Mishra, Carbon dots and its polymeric nanocomposites: Insight into their synthesis, photoluminescence mechanisms and recent trends in sensing applications, ACS Omega 9 (2024) 11050−11080.
9. Maansi Aggarwal, Harekrishna Panigrahi, K. Dinesh Kumar, Prolay Das, “Multifunctional self-healing carbon dot-gelatin bioadhesive: Improved tissue adhesion with simultaneous drug delivery, optical tracking, and photoactivated sterilization” Biomacromolecules 25 (2024) 3178–3189.
Book Chapters
10. Harekrishna Panigrahi, Smrutirekha Mishra, Avinash Nath Tiwari and M.P. Singh (2020), Effect of nanosilica concentration on the mechanical, viscoelastic and morphological properties of polypropylene and styrene- ethylene/butylene-styrene blend, Book-Advanced polymeric systems: Applications in nanostructured materials, composites and biomedical fields, River publishers, 71-83.
11. Harekrishna Panigrahi, Smrutirekha Mishra and Suraj Kumar Tripathy (2021), Advanced sample preparation techniques for surface spectroscopy analysis of organic: inorganic hybrid silica particles, Book- Sample preparation techniques for chemical analysis, IntechOpen, 1-15.
12. Harekrishna Panigrahi, K. Dinesh Kumar (2024), Polyolefin-based thermoplastic elastomers: Fundamental blending issues, in: Nikhil K. Singha and Sadhan C. Jana (Eds.), Advances in Thermoplastic Elastomer; Challenges and Opportunities, Elsevier, Oxford, UK. 177-216.
Book Chapters
- Harekrishna Panigrahi, Smrutirekha Mishra, Avinash Nath Tiwari and M.P. Singh (2020), Effect of nanosilica concentration on the mechanical, viscoelastic and morphological properties of polypropylene and styrene-ethylene/butylene-styrene blend, Book-Advanced polymeric systems: Applications in nanostructured materials, composites and biomedical fields, River publishers, 71-83.
- Harekrishna Panigrahi, Smrutirekha Mishra and Suraj Kumar Tripathy (2021), Advanced sample preparation techniques for surface spectroscopy analysis of organic: inorganic hybrid silica particles, Book- Sample preparation techniques for chemical analysis, IntechOpen, 1-15.
- Harekrishna Panigrahi, Dinesh Kumar, Polyolefin-based thermoplastic elastomers: Fundamental blending issues, in: Nikhil K. Singha and Sadhan C. Jana (Eds.), Advances in Thermoplastic Elastomer; Opportunities and Challenges, Elsevier, Oxford, UK. (submitted).
A method for exfoliation of graphite under low shear: Rishi Raj, Dinesh Kumar Kotnees, Swaminathan Sivaram, Harekrishna Panigrahi, Indian Patent, Application no: 202131037289 dated 17th August, 2021.
Project Details
No. |
Name of the Project | Sponsoring Agency | Amount | PI or Co-PI |
1. | Green Inhibitors for anti-corrosive coatings based on epoxy and carbon nanomaterials for early detection of failures and corrosion protection (2023) | TATA STEEL LIMITED | 1500000 | PI |
2. | Development of sustainable nanofluid based on carbon dots with improved thermal properties (2023) | KIIT Start Up Research Grant | 400000 | PI |
3. | White Hydrogen from scrap aluminum dross: transforming industrial waste into a fuel source for the future (2023) | Ministry of Mines | 7332000 | CO-PI |
4. | Fluorescent anti-corrosion coatings for early detection of failure via modelling and simulation (2024) | SERB-Teachers Associateship for Research Excellence (TARE) | 825000 | PI |
Professional Experience
Assistant Technical Officer at Central Institute of Plastics Engineering and Technology (CIPET) (Government of India), Jaipur, Rajasthan from June-2013 to June-2016.
Membership of Professional Bodies
S. No. | Name of professional body | Year of
Membership |
Grade of
Membership |
Number |
1. | Asian Polymer Association | 2023 | Life Member | L-724 |
2. | Mining Minerals Metals and Materials Society of India (4MSI) | 2023 | Life Member | LM-0249 |