Dr. Santoshi Mohanta
Assistant Professor, School of Chemical Technology, KIIT Deemed to be University
santoshimohanta@gmail.com, santoshimohanta@iitkgp.ac.in, santoshi.mohanta@kiitbiotech.ac.in
+91-9475178635, +91-7431844777
Google Scholar ID: https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=list_works&hl=en&hl=en&user=wf9C9BAAAAAJ&sortby=pubdate
Scopus ID: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57220807888
I have more than ten years of research experience earned from the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur (Doctoral research), National Institute of Durgapur (Masters) and CIPET IPT Bhubaneswar. My research interest and expertise includes mainly a) development of smart FRP composites, FRP composite structures, evaluation of thermal and mechanical properties of these composites b) understanding the kinetic and rheo-kinetic behavior of nano-filled thermoplastic polymers and their composites, c) extracting fibers from natural sources and utilizing them in manufacturing of high performance nano-composites d) synthesis of thermal nano-fluids and e) sustainable applications of advanced composites.
Roles & Responsibilities
- Taught subjects like Chemical Reaction Engineering, Process Dynamics & Control, Petroleum Refinery Engineering, Bio-reaction Engineering, Engineering Principles, Heat transfer, Polymer Reaction Engineering, Polymer Testing, Nano-Fabrication Technology, and Polymer Rheology to undergraduate and postgraduate students with weekly teaching hours up to
Guided one undergraduate project and three postgraduate (M.Tech, Int. MSc., M.Sc) students in their project work
- Taught subject like Chemical Process Calculations
- Faculty in-charge for laboratories coursework like Heat transfer & Fuel Technology
Weekly teaching hours were 11
- Expertise in Tools & Equipment handling: Differential scanning Calorimetry, Universal Testing Machine, Dynamic Mechanical Thermal Analyzer, Rheometer, Thermo-Gravimetric analyser, Pycnometer, Scanning Electron Microscopy, X-Ray Diffraction Technique, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy
- Different manufacturing techniques in polymer and composite field; hands-on experience on composite manufacturing and characterization techniques.
- Basic knowledge of chemical engineering processes, handling of chemical engineering equipment and tools, novel membrane separation processes and the tools involve in synthesis of polymeric membranes.
1. S Mohanta; S Sankhla; K Namboothiri; R Kuppusamy; S Neogi* “Insights into anhydride-cured epoxy resin system using Dynamic chemo-rheological modeling’’ Polym.Bull.(2023)I.F=2.843(SCIE).
2.S Mohanta; P Mahalik; G Hota, B Sahoo; S Pradhan; S Mohanty* ‘Influence of surface-treatment of bamboo fiber on the physico-mechanical properties of bamboo fiber composites with virgin and recycled high-density polyethylene’, Polymer Composites(2024) I.F.=5.2(SCI)
3.R Kuppusamy; S Neogi; S Mohanta; M Chinnasamy, R Rathanasamy, and Md Uddin. “Mechanical, Thermal, and AblativeProperties of Silica, Zirconia, and Titania Modified Carbon-Phenol Ablative Composites.” Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 2022(2022),(SCIE).
4. Y Padarthi; S Mohanta; J Gupta; S Neogi* ‘‘Quantification of swelling stress induced mechanical property reduction of Glass fiber /Epoxy composites immersed in aqueous 10% sulphuric acid by instrumenting with distributed optical fiber sensors’’, Fibers and Polymers 23,212–221(2022)I.F=2.347(SCIE).
5.S Mohanta; Y Padarthi; J Gupta; S Neogi* “Insight into the non-destructive performance evaluation of fiber-reinforced polymer composite laminate immersed in produced water using embedded fiber Bragg grating sensor” Polymer Composites 42, 4717-4727(2021)I.F.=5.2(SCI).
6.S Sankhlaa; S Mohantaa; K Namboothiria; R Pandiyan; S Neogi*“Evaluation of Rheokinetics Using Non-Isothermal Technique and Mechanical Property of Cellulose Nano-Crystals Filled Anhydride Cured Epoxy Resin’’,Carbohydrate Polymer Technologies and Applications 2,100124 (2021) I.F.=5.5 (Equally contributed as first author)(Scopus)
7. Y Padarthi; S Mohanta; J Gupta; S Neogi*“Assessment of transport kinetics and chemo-mechanical properties of GF/epoxy composite under long term exposure to sulphuric acid”, Polymer Degradation and Stability 183, 109436 (2021)I.F=5.204 (SCI)
8.S Mohanta; Y Padarthi; J Gupta; S Neogi*, “In-Situ Determination of Degree of Cure by Mapping with Strain Measured by Embedded FBG and Conventional Sensor during VIM Process”, Fibers and Polymers 21, 2614–2624 (2020) I.F=2.347(SCIE)
9.S Mohanta; Y Padarthi; S Chokkapu; J Gupta; S Neogi*,“Ultra Violet Health Monitoring of Smart Composite Laminate using Embedded Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors”, Journal of Composite Materials; 54(22):3143-3158(2020),I.F=2.9 (SCIE)
10.Kuppusamy Raghu Raja Pandiyan; Santoshi Mohanta; and Swati Neogi. “Molding of Carbon-Epoxy Composite Prepregs for Applications in Aerospace Industries.” Advanced Composites in Aerospace Engineering Applications. Springer, Cham,(2022).303-318.(Book Chapter)
11. S Mohanta, A Upadhyaya, J Nayak, and S Chakrabortty* ‘Application of Membrane-Based Technique for the Synthesis of Acetic Acid from Different Agrobiomasses’. CRC Press (2024) DOI: 10.1201/9781003407713-16
1. Mohanta; SNeogi, ‘Cure-monitoring of glass fiber reinforced (GFRP) composite Laminates by in situ strain measurement’, 18thAICHE Annual Meeting2018,Pittsburgh,USA (Oral talk).
2. S Sankhla; S Mohanta; S Neogi, ‘Curing Kinetics study of cellulose nano-crystals filled anhydride cure epoxy resin using non- isothermal technique’ ACS Spring 2022 (Poster Presentation).
3. S Mohanta; S Mohanty, ‘Effect of stearic acid treated bamboo fibers on mechanical properties of virgin and recycled highdensity polyethylene composite’, National Seminar on Recent Trends In Energy And Fuel Production Technology 2024, VSSUT Burla.
4. S Mohanta; SNeogi, ‘Cure and performance evaluation of fiber reinforced polymer composites immersed in corrosive produced water using embedded FBG sensor’, ACMS 2022 (Oral presentation).
5. S Mohanta; S Neogi, ‘Assessment of defects during manufacturing of FRP composite laminates using strain sensors’ ,APSRT Vision2030, 2019, Kharagpur,India (Poster presentation).
6. S Mohanta; S Neogi, ’Online Strain and Temperature Monitoring of Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites during and after Manufacturing’,ICERP 2017, Mumbai,India (Oral talk).
7. S Mohanta; S Neogi, ’Delamination detection in GFRP composite laminate using embedded strain sensors’ ,70th Annual Session of IICHE,CHEMCON2017,Haldia,India (Oral talk).
8. S Mohanta; S Neogi, ‘Online strain and temperature monitoring of fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) composites during manufacturing’,69th Annual Session of IICHE, CHEMCON 2016, IIT Madras, India (Oral talk).
9. Attended one Week FDP on Recent Advances on Nano technology,Catalysis & Bio-Chemical Engineering (RANCBE-2020) from 16thSept to 20thSept.2020 at VSSUT Burla Odisha.
10. Contributed as a resource person in the ATAL FDP on Recycling of Plastics for Sustainable Growth from10thJan till 14thJan2022 at Central Institute of Petrochemicals Engineering & Technology: Institute of Plastics Technology (IPT) Bhubaneswar.
11. Attended 5-day online FDP on the theme Inculcating Universal Human Values in Technical Education organized by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) from 6thJune 2022 to 10thJune 2022.
12. Attended one week National e-Workshop on Innovation and Intellectual Property Rights (NeW IPR-2023) organized by CSIR-
IMMT Bhubaneswar from June 12-17, 2023
13. Participated in the Flagship Event PRAYOJAN 2024: Post-PhD: Research, Academia, and IndustrY Opportunities, Science Journalism, GrAnt Writing and Networking organised on April 27 – 28, 2024 via online platform by Indian National Young Academy of Science (INYAS).
- Best poster presentation: National Seminar on Recent Trends in Energy and Fuel Production Technologies (RTEFPT-2024), 24-25 Feb. 2024, VSSUT Burla
- Received Start-up Research Grant from Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (KIIT-DU) Bhubaneswar 2023
- Best poster presentation: International Conference on Advances in Polymer Science and Rubber Technology (APSRT):Vision2030,2019
- International travel grant: Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, 2018
- Teaching assistant: Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, 2015-2020
- Institute research fellowship: Ministry of Human Resource and Development (MHRD), Govt. of India, 2015-2020
- Scholarship for Masters’ study: Ministry of Human Resource and Development (MHRD), Govt. of India, 2013-2015
- Academic achievement 2015 GATE, Chemical Engineering ranked among the top 9.3% with a score of 436.
- Qualified GATE in 2013,2014 and 2015 in Chemical Engineering
- Scholarship received from Govt of Odisha such as NRTS in 2003 for meritorious students
- Member: American Institute of Chemical Engineers
- Member: American Chemical Society
- Life Member: Fibre Reinforced Plastics Institute,
- Life Associate Member: India Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers, India