Dr. Sankha Chakrabortty
Ph.D. (Gold Medalist)
Assistant Professor, School of Chemical Technology
Email ID: sankha.nit@gmail.com / sankha.chakrabortty@kiitbiotech.ac.in
SCOPUS link: https://chemical.kiit.ac.in//www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=55885507100
Google Scholar link: https://chemical.kiit.ac.in//scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=4tbvw6wAAAAJ&hl=en
Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sankha_Chakrabortty2
Orchid ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7719-8586
Post-Doctoral Study as National Post Doc Fellow (SERB-DST)
Ph.D. (2017) in Chemical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Durgapur, India.
M.Tech (2011) in Chemical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Durgapur, India
B.Tech (2009) Chemical Engineering (2012), West Bengal University of Technology, Kolkata, India
Research Overview
Dr. Chakrabortty currently serves as an Assistant Professor at the KIIT School of Chemical Engineering and School of Biotechnology. He is a distinguished researcher specializing in environmental chemical engineering, membrane technology, and green technology. His prolific contributions to these fields include over 70 publications in SCI/Scopus indexed journals and the filing of 10 patents based on his innovative research. In recognition of his outstanding work, Dr. Chakrabortty was recently honored with the prestigious Hiyoshi Young Leaf Award-2022 by Hiyoshi Corporation, Japan. Dr. Chakrabortty is an expertise of the below domains.
Environmental Chemical Engineering, Environmental Biotechnology, Wastewater Treatment, Membrane Filtration, Desalination, , Solid Waste Management, Biosorption, Catalysis, Photo catalysis, Modeling-Simulation, AI/ML based study.
Courses taught
Mass Transfer Operations-I, Mass Transfer Operations-II, Chemical Process Calculation, Engineering Principles, Fuel Engineering, Computer Projects, Biochemical Engineering, Chemical process Modeling and Simulation
1.Invited as Panel Member in 9th Annual Sustainability Summit at XIM University, Bhubaneswar, 18-19th January, 2024.
2.Invited as an Evaluator for Research Colloquium Oral and Poster Competitions in 9th Annual Sustainability Summit at XIM University, Bhubaneswar, 18-19th January, 2024.
3.Awarded as “Best Oral Presentation” in 2nd International Conference on Green Energy & Sustainable Environmental Technology (GESET-2023), RGKIT, Gajiabad, September, 2023.
4.Honored as Workshop Chair the “2nd International Conference on Environment, Renewable Energy and Green Chemical Engineering”, China, 8-10th September
5.Awarded as “Scientists of the Year Award @SASE-BHU 2023” by National Environmental Science Academy, India, 2023.
6.Awarded as “Hiyoshi Young Leaf Award 2022” from Hiyoshi Corporation (Japan), November, 2022.
7.Award for “Excellence in Research” in 10th Faculty Branding Awards-2022, Education-expo TV, August, 2022.
8.Awarded as “STE Young Researcher Award-2021 (Faculty Category)” by Save the Environment (STE), India, january-2022
9.Honored as Guest Lecturer in the Amirkabir University of Technology (Autumn School, Wastewater Filtration), Tehran, Iran, 19th December, 2021
10.Awarded as “Environmentalist of the Year-2021” by National Environmental Science Academy, India, Dec. 2021
11.Awarded as “Young Scientist 2020” by National Environmental Science Academy,India, December 2020
12.Achieved “Start-Up Research Grant” under UGC-FACULTY RESEARCH PROMOTION SCHEME, 2020
13.Awarded as “Dr. DS Kothari Post Doc Fellow” (Post-Doc), University Grant Commission (UGC), 2019
14.Awarded as National Post-Doctoral Fellow (Post-Doc), SERB-DST, Government of India, 2017
15.Best Research Paper Award (One Plaque and 1000-euro cash prize), SPRINGER Publisher, 2016.
16.DST-INSPIRE Fellowship for doctoral study (for university Topper), Department of Science and Technology, 2012
17.Gold Medal and Rank Certificate (University topper) National Institute of Technology Durgapur, 2011.
18.Qualified Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE-2011), Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Score: 496, All India Rank: 446: Percentile: 97.5
Sponsored Research Projects
- Green Synthesis of Vanillin by Solar Photo-catalytic Reforming of Lignocellulosic Biomass, Faculty Promotion Research Scheme, University Grant Commission (UGC), Government of India (10 lakh rupees)
- Fabrication of Al2O3 containing cellulose based Ag NPs encapsulated Collagen dressing and investigation of its Therapeutic Opportunities in Diabetic Wound Healing, Ministry of Mines, Government of India (30 lakh rupees)
- Capture and Conversion of CO2 to Methanol through Photocatalyst and Solar driven Membrane System, SERB, DST, Government of India, (22 lakh rupees)
- Installation of 2 Nos Improved Iron Removal Plant on Market Seeding at Satyam Iron & Steel Co. Ltd., M/S Satyam Iron & Steel Co. Pvt. Ltd. and M/S Satyam Smelters (P) Ltd. (2 lakh rupees)
- PAL, Parimal, CHAKRABORTTY, Sankha, A high flux low energy osmotic system for arsenic removal at low cost, Patent no: 333616, 1003/KOL/2014 (Granted)
- CHAKRABORTTY, Sankha and RUJ, Biswajit, A process for the synthesis of graphene based nano-catalyst and use thereof in high methanol production, 201811047387, 16/12/2019 (Filed)
- CHAKRABORTTY, Sankha and RUJ, Biswajit, A process for the development of hydrogen exfoliation graphene based photocatalyst, 201811046955, 12/12/2018 (Filed)
- RUJ, Biswajit, DEBBARMA, Swarup Ranjan, CHAKRABORTTY, Sankha and MONDAL, Preetam Kumar, A composition for high strength concrete blocks utilizing arsenic and iron-rich sludge and a process for the preparation thereof, 201911040875, 10/10/2019 (Filed)
- RUJ, Biswajit, DEBBARMA, Swarup Ranjan, CHAKRABORTTY, Sankha and MONDAL, Preetam Kumar, Thermal treatment towards safe disposal of arsenic-rich sludge and its process thereof, 202011009039, 03/03/2020 (Filed)
- RUJ, Biswajit, DEBBARMA, Swarup Ranjan, CHAKRABORTTY, Sankha and SAHA, Arup, A process for the safe disposal of fluoride-rich sludge and its use thereof in concrete block production, 201913053662, 24/12/2019 (Filed)
- Nitika Tiwari, Sanjay Sarkar, Kali Sashank, Kundan Samal, Sanjib Moulick, Benu Gopal Mohapatra, Shirsendu Banerjee, Sankha Chakraborty, Sasmita Samant, P. K. Mohapatra, Suraj Kumar Tripathy, METAL DOPED FECAL SLUDGE BIOCHAR FOR TREATMENT OF WATER, E106/5/2022/KOL (202231000798), 06/01/2022
Recent Publications
- Bikram Basak, Ramesh Kumar, Rahul S. Tanpure, Amrita Mishra, Suraj K. Tripathy, Sankha Chakrabortty, Hyun-Seog Roh, Krishna Kumar Yadav, Woojin Chung, Byong-Hun Jeon, Roles of engineered lignocellulolytic microbiota in bioaugmenting lignocellulose biomethanation, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 207 (2025) 114913, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2024.114913Impact Factor: 13.9 (Q1)
- Pranjal, Gobinda Chandra Mahapatra, Sankha Chakrabortty, Shirsendu Banerjee, Somnath Chowdhury, Moonis Ali Khan, Ramesh Kumar, Byong-Hun Jeon, Amrita Mishra, Cecilia Stålsby Lundborg, Suraj K. Tripathy, Intensifying inactivation strategies: Insights into the role of ultrasound on the inactivation of antibiotic resistant Acinetobacter baumannii via Photo-Fenton reaction, Chemical Engineering Journal 497 (2024) 154670, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2024.154670, Impact Factor: 15.3 (Q1)
Anurag Panda, Anuradha Upadhyaya, Ramesh Kumar, Argha Acooli, Shirsendu Banerjeea, Amrita Mishra, Moonis Ali Khan, Somnath Chowdhury, Byong-Hun Jeon, Sankha Chakraborttya*, Suraj K. Tripathy, Chemical activation of phosphogypsum exhibits enhanced adsorption of malachite green from aqueous solution due to porosity refinement,
- Frontiers in Chemical Science and Engineering, Front. Chem. Sci. Eng. 2024, 18(11): 124 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11705-024-2475-4, Impact Factor: 4.5 (Q1)
- Chaturmukha Pattanaik, Sujoy Chattaraj, Somagni Roy, Ramesh Kumar, Masoom Raza Siddiqui, Moonis Ali Khan, Pallabi Pahari, Shirsendu Banerjee, Byong-Hun Jeon, Sankha Chakrabortty*, Suraj K. Tripathy, Intensification of absorption rate of carbon dioxide and ammonia in a simulated packed (Stephens–Morris) column using pulsed gas phase under optimized parametric conditions, Chemical Engineering and Processing – Process Intensification, Volume 194, December 2023, 109583, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cep.2023.109583, Impact Factor: 4.2(Q1)
- Ramesh Kumar, Sankha Chakrabortty, Prasenjit Chakrabortty, Jayato Nayak, Chengjia Liu, Moonis Ali Khan, Geon-Soo Ha, Kwang Ho Kim, Moon Son, Hyun-Seog Roh, Suraj K. Tripathy, Byong-Hun Jeon, Sustainable recovery of high-valued resources from spent lithium-ion batteries: A review of the membrane-integrated hybrid approach, Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 470, 15 August 2023, 144169, org/10.1016/j.cej.2023.144169, Impact Factor: 15.3 (Q1)
- Sankha Chakrabortty, Ramesh Kumarc, Jayato Nayak, Byong-Hun Jeon, Shashi Kant Dargar, Suraj K Tripathy, Parimal Pal, Geon-Soo Ha, Kwang Ho Kim, Michał Jasiński, Green synthesis of MeOH derivatives through in situ catalytic transformations of captured CO2 in a membrane integrated photo-microreactor system: a state-of-art review for carbon capture and utilization, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 182, August 2023, 113417, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2023.113417, Impact Factor: 16.8. (Q1)
- Ramesh Kumar, Chengjia Liu, Geon-Soo Ha, Kwang Ho Kim, Sankha Chakrabortty, Suraj K. Tripathy, Young-Kwon Park, Moonis Ali Khan, Krishna Kumar Yadav, Marina M.S. Cabral-Pinto, Byong-Hun Jeon, A novel membrane-integrated sustainable technology for downstream recovery of molybdenum from industrial wastewater Resources, Conservation & Recycling 196 (2023) 107035, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resconrec.2023.107035,Impact Factor: 13.6 (Q1)
- Sankha Chakrabortty*, Jayato Nayak,Parimal Pal, Ramesh Kumar, Prasenjit Chakraborty, Separation of COD, Sulphate and Chloride from Pharmaceutical Wastewater using Membrane Integrated System:Transport Modeling towards Scale-Up, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering,vol. 8, 104275, 2020, DOI: 1016/j.jece.2020.104275 (Elsevier, SCIE Journal), Impact Factor: 7.96 (Q1)
- Sankha Chakrabortty*, Jayato Nayak, Parimal Pal, Ramesh Kumar, Shirsendu Banerjee, Preetam Kumar Mondal, Madhubanti Pal, Biswajit Ruj, Catalytic conversion of CO2 to biofuel (methanol) and downstream separation in membrane-integrated photoreactor system under suitable conditions, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 45, Issue 1,675-690, 2020 org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2019.10.220, Impact Factor: 7.13 (Q1)
- Chakrabortty, M. Roy & P. Pal, Removal of fluoride from contaminated groundwater by cross flow nanofiltration: Transport modeling and economic evaluation, Desalination (Elsevier, SCI), 313, 115–124, 2013, DOI: 10.1016/j.desal.2012.12.021, Impact Factor: 11.21 (Q1)
- Delivered Guest Lecture in the TechnoBiz “Environmental News Hour” programme (YouTube live session), Thailand
- Delivered Guest Lecture to the Amirkabir University of Technology (Autumn School, Wastewater Filtration), Tehran, Iran, 19th December, 2021
- Awarded as “STE Young Researcher Award-2021 (Faculty Category)” by Save the Environment (STE), India, january-2022
- Awarded as “Environmentalist of the Year-2021” by National Environmental Science Academy, India, Dec. 2021
- Awarded as “Young Scientist 2020” by National Environmental Science Academy,India, December 2020
- Awarded as “NESIN 2020 Best Researcher Award” by ScienceFather, October 2020
- Awarded as DS KOTHARI POST DOC FELLOW (Post-Doc), University Grant Commission (UGC), 2019
- Awarded as National Post-Doctoral Fellow (Post-Doc), SERB-DST, Government of India, 2017
- Best Research Paper Award (One Plaque and 1000-euro cash prize), SPRINGER Publisher, 2016.
- DST-INSPIRE Fellowship for doctoral study (for university Topper), Department of Science and Technology, 2012
- Gold Medal and Rank Certificate (University topper) National Institute of Technology Durgapur,
- Awarded as Best Domain paper for the year of 2014-2016, Awarded by BioMedLib™ journal.
- Qualified Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE), Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Score: 496, All India Rank: 446: Percentile: 97.5
Overall Journal Publications: 32; Citations: 530; h-index-12; i-10-index-13, Total Impact Factor: 135, Book Chapters published: 15, Conference attended: 15; Faculty Development Programme/ Workshop attended: 13
Membership with Professional Bodies
- International Association of Advanced Materials (Membership Number: 64879122455 )
- Life membership of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers (Membership Number: LM-65320)
- Life membership of National Environmental Science Academy (L/M Number: 2053)
- Life membership of Save the Environment Socity (L/M Number: 0075)
- Life Membership of International Water Association (IWA Publisher) (Membership number: 1606951)
Life membership Asia Society of Researchers (Senior Member Number: R219022601)
Editorial Board Member:
International Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Technology
Guest Editor:
Frontiers in Chemical Engineering
Review Editor:
Research Lab
The lab is involved in the development of environmentally friendly and environmentally friendly technologies by utilizing the primary and secondary resources that are accessible. It has an expertise in processing the materials/composites from different types industrial waste materials (inorganic/organic). Metal oxide based composites, as well as their manufacture and surface modification, are used in a variety of environmental and energy applications. Diverse studies are being carried out to determine the adsorption/photocatalytic behaviour of composites (metal oxides impregnated/waste materials) in batch and continuous mode operations for the adsorption or degradation of organic and inorganic contaminants in wastewater. This lab also collaborates with a number of Indian and foreign institutions to do research in several areas, including smart materials and devices, special types of energy material synthesis, and more.

Current Lab Members (Ph.D.)

Ms. Jyotisikha Mahapatra
M.Sc Chemistry (DST INSPIRE Fellow)
PhD Topic: Transformation of Industrial Waste into Value Added Product through a Sustainable Bio chemical Route
Supervisor: Dr. Sankha Chakrabortty

Ms. Meeraambika Behera
M.Sc (Chemistry)
PhD Topic: Synthesis of heterogeneous catalyst and its application
Co-supervisor: Dr. Sankha Chakrabortty

Mr. Sanjib Kumar Roy
Tech, M. Tech (Chemical Engg.)
Co-supervisor: Dr. Sankha Chakrabortty

Mr. Chaturmukha Pattnaik
Tech, M. Tech (Chemical Engg.)
PhD Topic: Gas-Liquid Absorption in Packed Columns with and without Pulsed Gas Phase
Co-supervisor: Dr. Sankha Chakrabortty

Mr. Subhasis Patra
Tech, M. Tech (Chemical Engg.)
PhD Topic: Fertilizer waste into value added products for sustainable development
Co-supervisor: Dr. Sankha Chakrabortty
Current Lab members (B.Tech/M.Tech)

Ms. Sanchari Ghosh
Doing MS in KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
One book chapter published in Elsevier Publisher
Title: Utilization of biomass-derived materials for sustainable environmental pollutants remediation

Mr. Indranil Saha
B. Tech-2021
Doing MBA in BHU University
One book chapter published in CRC press, Taylor & Francis Publisher
Title: Reclamation of Lead Acid Battery Processing Wastewater Through Microbes and Waste Valorization: Progress, Challenges, And Future Prospects

Mr. Priyodeep Chatterjee
Project Title: Utilization of treated waste material for wastewater treatment application