Dr. Priti S. Mohanty
(Polymer Colloids & Nanomaterials Lab)
Associate Professor (I)
PhD in Physics (2005), PhD (2005), DAE-Indira Gandhi Center for Atomic Research (IGCAR),
Kalpakkam, India, Degree awarded from Madras University
Title: “Ordering, Dynamics & Phase Transitions in Interacting Charged Colloidal Suspensions”
Email: Email: pritisundar.mohanty@kiitbiotech.ac.in, pritimohanty02@gmail.com
Google Scholar Citation: h-index-17, i10-index-23
Scopus h-index : 16
Research Interest
- Responsive hybrid materials for smart catalyst, efficient adsorbent, chemical sensors.
- Directed electric field induced assembly and phase behavior soft microgel colloids and binary Mixtures, Solid-to-Solid transformation under external AC field.
- Structural organizations, and viscoelastic properties in bacterial cells of different shapes and their response to different external stimuli.
- Bacteriophage interactions, protein stability, aggregations behaviors and their interactions to nanomaterials : Towards transnational applications
Professional Research Experiences
- July 2014 – Present : Associate Professor, School of Chemical Technology (from 2018) and Biotechnology, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, India.
- Year 2010 to 2014 : Researcher, Division of Physical Chemistry, Lund University, Sweden.
- Year 2009 to 2010 : Postdoctoral Research Assistant, Adolphe Merkle Institute for Pure and Applied Nanoscience and Fribourg Centre for Nanomaterials, University of Fribourg, Switzerland.
- Year 2007 to 2009: Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow, Physical Chemistry II, RWTH University, Aachen, Germany.
- Year 2006 to 2007: Postdoctoral Research Assistant, Department of Physics, University of Fribourg, Switzerland.
- August 2004 to March, 2006 : Research Associate in Department of Advance Polymer Chemistry, Kyoto University, Japan.
Academic Honors :
- Visiting scientist to Nagoya-city City University, Japan under Indo-Japan Cooperative Proposal supported by DST-JSP (2018).
- Visiting Scientists in Lund University, Sweden (2015 and 2016)
- Fellowship from Swedish National Foundation, Sweden (2012-2014, 2016-17).
- Fellowship from Swiss National Foundation, Switzerland (2006-2007, 2009-2012).
- Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship (2007-2009) (Prestigious award from the German Alexander von Humboldt Foundation that is distributed to about 600 researchers from all areas of science worldwide annually.
- Fellowship from Japan (2004-2006) under COE program for a United Approach to New (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan).
- Awarded JRF & SRF (1999-2004) from Department of Atomic Energy for carrying out Ph.D.
- Awarded National Scholarship in High School Certificate Examination (1990-1995).
Research Projects (As Principal Investigator)
- DST-JSPS Indo-Japan Cooperative Proposal
Funding Department: Department of Science & Technology (INDIA) and JSPS (JAPAN)
Project Duration : 2 Years (2021-2023) (Approved) - Core Research Grant (SERB, DST)
Funding Department: SERB, Department of Science & Technology, India
Project Duration : 3 Years (2021-2024) - DST-JSPS Indo-Japan Cooperative Proposal
Funding Department: Department of Science & Technology (INDIA) and JSPS (JAPAN)
Project Duration : 2 Years (2018-2020) - Center of Excellence Project (CEO) (Department of Biotechnology) (One of the Principal investigator in this project)
Funding Department: Department of Biotechnology (DBT), India
Project Duration : 3 Years (2018-21) - Extramural Research Grant (SERB, DST) Funding Department: SERB, Department of Science & Technology, India
Project Duration : 3 Years (2015-2018) - BIG Grant (Department of Biotechnology)
Funding Department: BIRAC, Department of Biotechnology
Project Duration : 18 Months (2015-2017). - Extramural Research Grant By council of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), India, (Approved, 2016-18)
Recent Publications
- Prachi Bhol, Madhuchhanda Mohanty, Priti S. Mohanty*
Polymer-matrix stabilized metal nanoparticles: Synthesis, characterizations and insight into molecular interactions between metal ions, atoms and polymer moieties.
Journal of Molecular Liquids, Volume : 325, Page : 115135, Year: 2021, - Prachi Bhol and Priti S. Mohanty*
Smart microgel-metal hybrid particles of PNIPAM-co-PAA@AgAu: synthesis, characterizations and modulated catalytic activity
Journal of Physics : Condensed Matter, Volume : 33, Page : 084002, Year: 2021 - Kunal Samantaray, Samir R. Mishra, Gopal Purohit and Priti S. Mohanty*
AC Electric Field Mediated Assembly of Bacterial Tetrads ACS Omega, Volume : 5, Pages: 5881, Year : 2020 - Rohit K Singh, Prachi Bhol, Dindyal Mandal and Priti S. Mohanty*
Stimuli-responsive photoluminescence soft hybrid microgel particles: synthesis and characterizations
Journal of Physics : Condensed Matter, Volume : 32, Pages: 044001, Year : 2020. - Kiran Jathavedan, Suresh K. Bhat and Priti S. Mohanty*
Alternating electric-field-induced assembly of binary mixtures of soft repulsive ionic microgel colloids
Journal of Colloid & Interface Science, Volume: 544, Pages: 88, Year : 2019, - Thiago Colla, Priti S. Mohanty, Sofi Nojd, Erik Bialik, Aaron Riede, Peter Schurtenberger and Christos N. Likos
Self-Assembly of Ionic Microgels Driven by an Alternating Electric Field: Theory, Simulations, and Experiments
ACS Nano, Volume : 12, Page: 4321, Year : 2018.
(Note: The experimental groups are Priti S. Mohanty, Sofi Nojd, Peter Schurtenberger) - Priti S. Mohanty 1 , Sofi Nojd 1 , Kitty van Gruijthuijsen, Jer´ ome J. Crassous, Marc Obiols- Rabasa , Ralf Schweins, Anna Stradner and Peter Schurtenberger, Interpenetration of polymeric microgels at ultrahigh densities Scientific Reports (Nature), Volume: 7, Page:1487, Year: 2017.
- K. Samantaray, P. Bhol, B. Sahoo, S. K. Barik, K. Jathavedan, B.R. Sahu, M. Suar, S.K. Bhat and Priti S. Mohanty*
Template-Free Assembly in Living Bacterial Suspension under an External Electric Field.
ACS Omega, Volume: 2, Page: 1019, Year: 2017. - Priti S. Mohanty, S. Nöjd, M. J. Bergman, G. Nägele, S. Arrese-Igor, A. Alegria, R. Roa, Peter Schurtenberger and J. K. G. Dhont Dielectric spectroscopy of ionic microgel suspensions
Soft Matter, Volume: 12, Page: 9705, Year: 2016. - Priti S. Mohanty*, Payam Bagheri, Sofi Nöjd, Anand Yethiraj*, Peter SchurtenbergerMultiple path-dependent routes for phase transition kinetics in thermo-responsive and field responsive ultra-soft colloids
Physical Review X, Volume: 5, Page: 011030, Year: 2015.
Publications Appeared as Cover Article :
Developments of different types of functional nano and micron size colloids (with a narrow size distribution) for fundamental science and technological applications:
Research Lab
Our primary focus is on interdisciplinary research that lies in the interface between Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. This covers interesting areas in soft mater, material science, and nanobiotechnology using different experimental model systems such as polymer-colloids, nanoparticles, bacterial cells, proteins. Our approach involves material synthesis, functionalizations, characterizations, self-assembly, and the study of phase behavior. We use extensive light scattering, microscope, spectroscopy techniques along with molecular docking, simulation tools, and different theoretical models for understanding our experimental results.
We develop different types of polymer colloids and metal, semiconducting nanoparticles in our laboratory with precise control over their size distributions. These include smart-responsive nanogels and microgels, polystyrene, silica beads, plasmonic and semiconducting nanoparticles of gold, silver, iron, quantum dots, and their polymer hybrids, etc. These particles have applications in the development of photonic crystals, water treatment, smart catalysts, biomedical studies such as control-drug delivery, therapeutics, detection, functional biomaterials.
Our research is supported by SERB-DST, BIRAC-DBT, DBT, DST-JSPS and KIIT Deemed to be University. In addition we also get constant support from our faculties in the School of Biotech and Chemtech, National and International collaborators through active collaborations.
Note : If you are interested in collaborating with us or need any help for specific nanomaterials or for any characterizations using light scattering instrument, please contact me through the provided email.
PhD Thesis from our lab :
Dr. Prachi Bhol (2015-2020)
Ph.D Thesis (September, 2020)
Supervisor : Dr. Priti S. Mohanty
Topic : Synthesis and Characterizations of different types of stimuli-responsive polymer-metallic/semiconducting hybrid particles.
Dr. Kunal Samantary
(Post-doc at University of Montreal)
Ph.D Thesis (February, 2020)
Supervisor : Dr. Priti S. Mohanty
Topic : Electric Field Induced Self-Assembly in Living Colloids (Bacteria)
Current lab members

Biswajit Pany, MSc. Physics
Faculty Associate at School of Biotechnology
PhD Topic : Development of Responsive Hybrid Materials for multi-functional applications.
Supervisor : Dr. Priti S. Mohanty
E mail: biswajit.pany@kiitbiotech.ac.in

Manoswini, MSc. Biotechnology
PhD Student (ICMR senior research fellow)
PhD Topic : Study from Bacteriophage protein to Synthetic Nanoparticles: Towards translation research applications
Supervisor : Dr. Priti S. Mohanty
E mail: manoswini.biotech@gmail.com

Junior Research Fellow
Topic : Development of Photonic Crystals based sensors from Polymerized Microgels with switchable functionality
Supervisor : Dr. Priti S. Mohanty
E mail: amritoghoshmajumdar@gmail.com
Group Picture:

Past & Present members associated with our lab :
Easlisha Jha (Master Thesis, 2015) ; Subrat Kumar (JRF, 20150-17) ; Abhirup Dasgupta (Master Thesis, 2016); Sameer Mishra (2014-2017) ; Gopal Purohit (2014-2018) ; Ashish Agrawal (Past intern, 2015-18) ; Aniket Banarjee (Past intern, 2015-18, Currently PhD student at IITG).
Anandi Chowary (2017-18, Currently at PhD at IITD); Smriti Mukherjee (Past intern, 2017-19, Currently PhD at IITB) ; Diya Bhattacharya (Master thesis, 2019), Currently MRes Neuroscience at Newcastle University ) ; Ramneet Kaur (Master Thesis, 2020, Currently MS at Trinity College Dublin) ; Pabitra Kumar Mahapatra (Master Thesis, 2020); Aamna (Master Thesis, 2021) ; Tanima Dey (2019-present); Shrey Roy Mohapatra (2019-present); Madhuchhanda, Faculty Associate (2019-present)